Dadoe is a premium marketing affiliate of Infinet Communications Group Inc., a privately held Internet and telecommunications provider with over 8 years of experience. The Infinet group offers a wide array of Internet and communications services including high speed internet access, web hosting, server management and domain registration. With the launch of Dadoe, Infinet has evolved into a full service telecommunications provider.
Dadoe is a leading edge technology that will change the way we communicate forever. It allows high speed Internet users to transform their broadband Internet connection into a phone line. With Dadoe, customers typically save 36-66% over traditional phone service. In addition, they will also be able to move their phone service anytime and use it from anywhere in the world. It works just like any regular phone line and you can even keep your existing phone number.
Cheaper. More convenient. Portable anywhere, anytime. It is no wonder why many experts believe that this is the way of the future. Traditional phone technology will be obsolete soon.
Check Out All These GREAT Calling Features!
- Call Hold
- Caller ID Block
- Caller ID Display
- Call Waiting
- Voice to Email
- Call Forward Always
- Call Forward On-Busy
- Call Forward No-Answer
- 3-Way Calling
- Virtual Numbers
- Voicemail
- Toll Free Number
- 911 Dialing
- 411
Website: Dadoe.com Phone: 1-877-386-4225
Email: sales@dadoe.com Have you used Dadoe's service? Please leave a comment and let us know about your experience.