JAJAH Inc. introduces web-activated telephony. So far existing VoIP solutions were only popular with technically skilled users on broadband Internet connections: With JAJAH Web, the international VoIP provider breaks down hard- and software barriers and introduces Internet-telephony to the common computer user.
Simple as ordinary phone calls
JAJAH Web establishes phone-to-phone connections through the Internet for cheap calls. The process is simple: Callers type in their own number (landline or mobile) on
www.jajah.com, then insert the desired destination number. JAJAH connects the callers, and the actual call is not different to any other normal phone conversation, only significantly cheaper.
User benefits
"The simple approach of JAJAH Web opens the world of Internet telephony to practically everyone!", explains JAJAH co-founder Roman Scharf. Effectively, no cumbersome software downloads and installations are necessary, JAJAH Web can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet and works with any phone, landline or cellular. "Placing a call via JAJAH has already been likened to the simplicity of typing in a search keyword at Google.", explains Scharf.
Based on the experience with JAJAH's Webphone, founders Daniel Mattes and Roman Scharf are assured that the crucial point of success of a VoIP service is simplicity. "For the basic Internet user you need a simple-as-can-be solution. JAJAH Web is the easiest access to VoIP", says JAJAH co-founder and VoIP pioneer Daniel Mattes.
The existing webphone client is said to be relaunched as a desktop application, to fully integrate VoIP into the daily work processes.