First Mobile-Voice to Skype Network Launched by iSkoot

iSkoot, a mobile Internet phone company, introduced the iSkoot Mobile Network, a gateway that connects cellular voice and PC-to-PC networks. iSkoot Mobile Network allows consumers to place and receive Internet calls with their mobile phones without the need for PCs, special hardware, custom phones or Wi-Fi hot spots.

While the initial offering is for Cingular customers, and supports Skype Software only, iSkoot plans to expand the reach of Skype service to a wider selection of carriers and Internet phone services, such as Google Talk and other PC calling platforms. To take advantage of the iSkoot Mobile Network, Cingular users need only to download a small piece of software to their mobile phones. The Beta version of the iSkootMobile phone application for Skype Software is now available for free at and Beta users who download the small client software will receive free unlimited use for the term of the beta.

"We are extremely excited about offering Skype users true mobility. The iSkoot Mobile Network completely frees Skype users from their PCs. It provides an on-ramp to the PC-PC network for cell phone users. With the iSkoot software solution on your mobile phone, consumers can use the Internet to call their online buddies without ever having to use their PC or a broadband connection. Once cell phone users download the iSkoot software to their regular handsets, they will be able to do everything they do with PC Calling, but with true mobility, even away from Wi-Fi hot spots," said Jacob Guedalia, Chief Executive Officer, iSkoot. "Skype has blazed a path with their cutting edge technology for peer-to-peer voice communications and continue this leadership with the first fully featured peer-to-peer clients on mobile devices. iSkoot offers a complimentary solution that utilizes a light client usable on any mobile phone and enables the full features though its network servers and gateways. In this way our solution extends the reach of mobile Skype, beyond WiFi and 3G. Furthermore it does not require that you have your PC turned on. You do not need a PC, all you need is your cell phone and an iSkoot connection and you can use Skype wherever you are."

Posted on Feb 16, 2006  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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