Switching from traditional phone service to a voip internet phone saves consumers an average of 50% off their monthly phone bill. Voice over IP service provider
voip.com wants customers to know why.
1. Voip service has an average monthly rate of around $25, however regular phone lines usually set consumers back somewhere in the vicinity of $51 for a month's worth of service.
2. Most voip internet phone providers offer unlimited long distance in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico as a standard feature of their basic plan.
3. International long distance rates are substantially cheaper. For instance, if you call Germany to get an on-the-spot update of World Cup action, Bell South will charge you $0.14/min, where voip.com only charges $0.014/min. That's one-tenth of what the phone company charges.
4. Voip.com offers subscribers two free months of core services for each new customer you refer.
5. Unlike copper wire phone companies, voice over IP service includes premium features with basic plans, like caller ID, voicemail, three-way calling, telemarketer screening, and call return.
6. Voip's inherent portability means you can take your phone number with you as you travel, avoiding expensive hotel phone tabs and cell phone roaming charges. All it takes is a high-speed connection to plug your adapter into and people can reach you at your local number, regardless of where you might be geographically.
7. Wireless voip allows users to make voip phone calls on internet-enabled cell phones, bypassing costly wireless roaming fees and outrageous long distance rates.
8. Most voip providers give you the option of paying in advance, offering even greater discounts to customers who do.
9. In-network calls to other voip service subscribers are often free, even if the calling parties are in different parts of the world.
10. You can make PC-to-PC calls for free using SoftPhone programs. Voip.com doesn't charge extra for this feature.
Saving money is only one of many reasons to choose voip internet phone service over older forms of telephony. If you'd like to see how your savings stack up, visit voip.com's online savings calculator at