The Power of VoIP Seminar Series begins on October 19 in Philadelphia. "Can VoIP really lower business costs?" will explain the financial impact, technology and communications efficiencies of Voice over IP and is ideal for finance and IT executives.
Lyrio co-founder Paul Sewards said, "VoIP promises to open up exciting opportunities for businesses from improved service offerings to lowered operational costs. With The Power of VoIP Seminar Series, our goal is to help business decision-makers navigate through the maze of myths, contradictions and vendor messages."
The Power of VoIP seminar series offers the opportunity for guests to learn about VoIP from multiple vendors all at once. Seminar topics include a presentation on VoIP delivery models, an explanation of converged networks, a case study on the cost of VoIP, and product demonstrations.
According to the Yankee Group, "Businesses favor VoIP because it provides measurable cost savings, an excellent converged platform for voice and data, and improves the manageability of communications." The Yankee Group estimates the rapidly expanding business VoIP market will reach $3.3 billion in service revenue by 2010.
Upcoming seminars will take place Thursday, October 19, Friday, October 20 and Thursday, November 9. For seminar registration and full details, visit