TurboPhone is a new company in the telecommunications industry with a unique approach to marketing their services.
"I’ve got a great deal on my phone service, you ought to take a look at it too", are the words Gabe Castillo, President of TurboPhone Communications, hopes to hear thousands of satisfied customers say over the next few months.
TurboPhone Communications, LLC announced the official launch of their Digital Telephone service, available throughout the US and Canada.
Digital telephony, also known as Broadband or Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) is a rapidly growing market. There are currently, an estimated 6 million VoIP subscribers in the US and that number is expected to grow to over 25 million in the next 5 years.
Fueling this rapid growth is the expansion of broadband availability along with the tremendous value digital phone service offers.
Residential broadband service is now available by nearly 45% of US households, up from just 12% only 3 years ago. Roughly 70% of all Internet access in the US is now broadband.
VoIP telephone service offers tremendous value according to Castillo. "Our full featured service will save the average consumer about $300 per year -- which is four times the net pay raise for the average worker this year in the United States." Current phone savings for small businesses is even greater. "A typical four line office will run somewhere around $350 a month -- We would save that office more than $2,000 per year."
TurboPhone enters a field currently dominated by major players such as Vonage and Time Warner who currently control nearly 80% of the market. So what makes TurboPhone unique?
"Unlike other companies, we view every customer as a business partner. When we say business partner we mean it -- our customers share in the revenues of the company," Castillo says.
After watching the competition spend hundreds of millions of dollars in traditional media-based advertising, creating extremely high customer acquisition costs, Castillo decided another approach would be more effective.
"The most powerful form of advertising is word of mouth from satisfied customers. We felt that our customers should be a part of our success", says Castillo. "Rather than just give them a free month of service, we thought a supplemental income would be a better incentive."
"Through our unique revenue sharing plan, we pay our Customer Partner Affiliates for referrals (up to 10 levels) as long as the customer relationship continues. Each customer receives a customizable website to refer others to our service at no additional cost. You can earn a substantial, residual monthly income with TurboPhone."
This "Friends and Family" approach makes good business sense. Increasing the percentage of calls within the TurboPhone network improves profitability. "We avoid connection fees" explains Castillo, "this results in a lower average per call cost to the company".
Castillo says TurboPhone has "Best in Class" emergency 911 service. "We use the same provider of services that supports GM’s OnStar Emergency Response Platform."
"This provides an address verification interface that works in conjunction with a GPS coordinate data base. Our customers control the location in the system through their Member Portal. The result is a Best in Class service virtually ensuring that every 911 call is routed to the correct Emergency Response Agency for the customer’s current location," he emphasized.
"As for the clarity, no one out there provides a higher quality VoIP service than TurboPhone." Statements from customers support Castillo’s claim.
"I’ve been using VoIP for over two years and I challenge you to try it. If you do, you’ll love the call clarity and the savings," said Jim Doolin from Columbia, SC. "You’ll tell everybody you know and get paid to spread the word."
"This phone is clearer than my land line," adds Cynthia Pooler of Mechanicville, NY.
TurboPhone has a special program to help non-profits, charities and organizations raise needed funds. "Most organizations are selling cookies, gift wrap, magazines, a spaghetti feed or auction. It takes a lot of work and effort to put together a successful fundraising program -- and then you have to do it all over again next year. How about a fundraising program where you make one 'sale' and it pays your organization for years?"
To learn more about TurboPhone visit their web site at: