UCN, Inc., announced the availability of inContact/VoIP Service. This enables UCN to connect both traditional TDM and VoIP stations into the hosted inContact advanced contact handling applications. Additionally, inContact/VoIP Service provides PBX functionality to general business users.
With inContact/VoIP Service, organizations now have the option to "Ease-into-VoIP". Businesses can implement IP technology within a
smaller group before committing to a corporate-wide deployment. Organizations can present a unified set of contact management functions and features to any agent station, no matter what voice transport technology is being used and no matter where the station is located -- in the home, at the branch or at the main office.
"Companies often delay the benefits of deploying advanced contact center technologies until they make a decision on their connectivity service and PBX system," said UCN CEO Paul Jarman. "With inContact/VoIP Service, the decision on whether or not to go VoIP can be made, then expanded or changed without disruption to critical call routing routines and contact handling services. Whether the VoIP technology resides within the network or at the customer's site, inContact supports both."
InContact/VoIP Service comes in two versions. VoIP Service for Agents provides access to the full suite of core contact handling services plus free extension-to-extension dialing between offices and at-home workers.
VoIP Service for Business includes all services available to agents, plus hosted IP-PBX features such as voice mail, conference calling, caller ID, call forwarding, among others. A complete list of features can be found at
Jarman added, "Now, through inContact, companies gain access to PBX features, advanced contact handling services and such complementary products as workforce management scheduling and forecasting at a significantly lower cost when compared to purchasing and maintaining the same feature set as on-site equipment and software."
InContact/VoIP Service is available through UCN sales reps and channel partners. VoIP Service is sold as a separate connectivity option with the core inContact purchase. Current list price for inContact/VoIP Service for Agents is $20 per seat, while VoIP Service for Business Users is $50 per seat.