Voip internet phone service provider,
voip.com, introduces its new, easy-access Voicemail program, featuring locally available numbers, automatic conversion of voicemail messages to email attachments, text message notification for any incoming messages, and message storage for up to two weeks.
Perfect for those who are constantly on the go or interested in keeping their private numbers protected. Voip.com's inbound-only Voicemail is a standalone service giving users the convenience of a local number that friends, family and clients can call when they need to get in touch. Voicemail accounts keep subscribers reachable, with the flexibility of 24/7 voicemail forwarding and a message system that's easy to check.
Incoming messages are automatically converted to .wav files and attached to an email message. The resulting .wav file gets sent to a user specified inbox and subscribers are alerted via text message. Password-protected messages are easily accessible from any touch tone phone, including voip, mobile, or traditionally wired telephones. It's also possible to get voice messages online, through voip.com's user-friendly web based Account Manager.
Voip.com Voicemail accounts enjoy the same incoming features as standard voice accounts, like Caller ID, Anonymous Call Rejection and online Call Forwarding management. Users control the number of rings before Voicemail greetings are triggered, which email address messages get sent to, and can even enable an automatic login feature that streamlines the message checking process.
Through the online Account Manager, users can see at a glance whether or not they've already heard a message, how long the message is, and the time and date stamp for when it came in. When playing back messages, users can opt to listen right from the Account Manager window or save to disk and open with any .wav capable media player.
For more detailed information about voip.com's $4.95 a month Voicemail program, go to voip.com's website at