Skype has released its beta version of Skype 2.2 for Windows Mobile. Skype also announced that the number of pocket devices supporting Skype now totals 120. Meaning anyone with high-speed access and one of these devices can now save on mobile or roaming costs by using VoIP instead.
Skype for Windows Mobile can be downloaded for free. Enhancements include a screen with presence status, event notification, and proxy support (missed calls, new chat messages and voicemails). Skype calling features include Skype-to-Skype calls, support for SkypeOut, SkypeIn, voicemail and call forwarding.
This version keeps a similar look and feel to PC-based Skype. Features include one-click Skype access, multi-person chat and an enhanced contact list.
You can download it now at the
http://www.skype.com/go/mobile website.