VoIP Weblog reports
VoIP Client from Gizmo Project for Nokia N800 Internet Tablet. Looks pretty cool just click on the image for a larger picture.
Andy Abramson points out
V-Access Is Real Yawner due to Vonage's lack of innovation. When someone yawns why is it so addicting that you find yourself yawning with them?
Skype for Business and Professionals link blurp fest. Keep that Skype news coming Jan.
Tom Keating has
Arrived at ITEXPO with 77 °F and mostly cloudy sky's, but will that put a damper on Internet Telephony Conference & Expo East 2007? No way! Right now I'm wishing I was at the event. VoIPMonitor is still proud to be a media sponsor of the event. So keep the unlucky rest of us updated Tom.
Alec Saunders is also at ITEXPO and I'm not. He interviews Digium's VP Bill Miller and calls out todays
Digium full-court press (release).
Alec Saunders is not at ITEXPO MyVoIPnews reports on
Naughty Engin caught. I'd say doing 60mph in a 45mph zone.