SIPphone launched its web-based SMS service Gizmo SMS, located at gizmosms.com. Gizmo SMS lets people easily send SMS text messages to mobile phones around the world, from any web browser, for free. No registration or account setup required.
Gizmo SMS now allows users to send SMS messages from any web browser, for free. At gizmosms.com, users enter a mobile number, select the country of the number, type a message, and click send. Gizmo SMS allows users to compose messages using a full size keyboard, instead of a mobile device, making it easier to type long messages. Gizmo SMS now provides one of the easiest and fastest ways to send text messages.
Gizmo SMS allows users to send text messages to mobile phones in more than 65 countries on over 215 mobile networks. Most SMS services only operate within a single country. Gizmo SMS does not require the sender to know the cellular carrier of the mobile number they are sending a message to. Unlike competing web-based SMS services, such as Google SMS, Gizmo SMS automatically locates the correct cellular carrier for mobile numbers used worldwide.
Privacy and security are built into Gizmo SMS. Using a CAPTCHA challenge-response, users are required to enter a unique id before sending each text message. This extra level of security prevents computer-automated abuse of the Gizmo SMS service and protects mobile phone users against unsolicited SMS spam. Data sent through Gizmo SMS is kept private and is not sold to 3rd parties.
Gizmo SMS works with all web browsers and is available now at
http://gizmosms.com to the worldwide user population.