Packet8 broadband VoIP and videophone communication services announce the availability of International Virtual Direct Inbound Dial numbers with area codes from nine European countries.
With these International Virtual Numbers, Packet8 residential and business subscribers can create a "virtual presence" for themselves in the following locations -- U.K., France, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Ireland, and Denmark. By adding a Virtual Number from these locations to their Packet8 service, subscribers enable individuals based there to reach them via a local vs. an international call. Businesses, in particular, can benefit from using an International Virtual Number to open virtual sales offices overseas and answer calls from their U.S. based location.
Packet8 subscribers can add an International Virtual Number to the service for $9.99 per month with a one-time $9.99 activation fee. Additional information about Packet8 International DIDs can be found at: