PeerMe launches the beta version of its mobile software suite for Java-enabled mobile phones, which also includes Voice Bombs, which allow IM users to send audio clips up to 30 seconds in length as instant messages. People with unlimited data plans who are interested in beta testing this product can point their mobile phones to
www.peerme.in/mobile.jad. PeerMe was recently named one of the “10 emerging wireless entertainment companies to watch in 2007” by IDC.
PeerMe uses VoIP technology to enable mobile phone users to communicate with each other from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world for free. Instead of paying exorbitant rates for "peak hour" calls or overseas connections, users can make unlimited calls from their cell phones while only paying a small monthly fee to their wireless carriers.
"We are excited to extend the reach of PeerMe to all mobile phones with the launch of our Voice Bombs launch," says company CEO Tom Lasater. ”Voice Bombs are totally addictive and add a whole new level of functionality to traditional instant messaging. Users of Java-enabled phones can use PeerMe Voice Bombs to keep in touch with their contacts while they are on the move, and can also make cheap international and long-distance VoIP calls.
“Unfortunately, some carriers and handset manufacturers do not understand the brave new world of connected applications, and have gone out of their way to make it difficult or impossible for consumers to use cutting-edge applications on their phones. We love the approach that Cingular and handset manufacturers such as Sony Ericsson have taken. Their Java MIDP 2.0 platform shows that they understand the future and want their customers to have full unfettered access to world-class applications. This is the future of the wireless world, and carriers that don’t wake up and smell the coffee will be left in the dust. The whole debate over ‘wireless net neutrality’ is a moot point: customers will demand complete, total, unlimited always-on access to the Internet just as they have done in the wired world. The walled gardens of the late 80’s and early 90’s fell because consumers demanded it, and this is the same movie with different actors.”