fring together with The Cloud announced the launch of the fring mobile VoIP client, which will be specially optimized for The Cloud. The joint service facilitates fring mVoIP communication for all Cloud users, allowing them to call and chat for free to other fring users and to Skype, Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger and SIP contacts over The Cloud’s Wi-Fi networks in addition to other Wi-Fi, 3G and GPRS networks.

fring enabled phones will automatically recognize, login and register on The Cloud network so users can make free mobile phone calls, chat and access the Internet over their Wi-Fi connection with their fring and Cloud credentials automatically activated and synchronized.
“Auto-connection to The Cloud’s Wi-Fi network, which covers the City of London as well as 7,500 locations across the UK, will give fring users easier freedom of movement to mVoIP talk and chat with unaided Internet access from their mobile handsets,” said Roy Timor-Rousso, VP Product Marketing, fring. “This Wi-Fi offering further helps users declare their mobile independence by letting them choose the preferred mobile communication network and provider for each phone call, be it their traditional cellular operator or Skype, Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger or SIP providers over their Cloud or alternative Wi-Fi connections, 3G or GPRS.”
Last month The Cloud switched on Europe’s most comprehensive and advanced Wi-Fi network, covering the entire of the City of London, giving the 350,000 people who work in and visit the area wireless broadband access across the City.