TalkPlus introduces TalkPlus Country Connect and TalkPlus Global, two new services that dramatically reduce the cost of international calls to and from the United States.
TalkPlus Country Connect is a subscription service that gives you access to international phone numbers that ring on the phone of your choice in the US – mobile, home, or work phone. When your friends call that number, they only pay the cost of the local or in-country call and you pay the TalkPlus Country Connect rate of 2.7 cents per minute. Activated in less than 5 minutes, the service features advanced voicemail and carrier-grade voice quality. With no download required, you can sign up immediately online or over the phone.
TalkPlus Global lets you make international calls from your mobile or landline phone. You simply enter your phone number at www.TalkPlus.com, and the number of the person you would like to call. TalkPlus calls you first, then the person you’re calling, connecting you both. Calls are activated on the web, but executed over the regular phone line, so no mobile application is required and call quality is the high level that you expect from your voice carrier. As a prepaid service, there are no contracts, monthly fees, or hidden charges.
Unlike competitive solutions, TalkPlus Global can also be used by businesses with PBX systems, where one phone number may serve multiple extensions.
These two new services make it possible for Americans living abroad, small businesses, multinational ventures, and military families stationed oversees to easily and affordably stay in touch internationally. Conventional land lines, calling cards and mobile phone plans can be expensive or awkward to use, while call quality can be lacking with VoIP telephony providers like Skype and Vonage. TalkPlus provides an easy low cost way to talk internationally on the phone of your choice, at a voice quality level that makes calling worthwhile.
TalkPlus Global and TalkPlus Country Connect services are available immediately at