A Look at SureWest's Triple Play Package

Here are some interesting articles from Brian Dipert on his experience with SureWest, an experienced VoIP and IPTV provider in sunny California. His first article, "SureWest: Initial Post-Install Fiber Details and Thoughts," highlights his initial impressions on broadband, IPTV, and VoIP as well as the insitallation process to receive fiber-based triple play. He has since posted a follow up to this article entitled "SureWest: Broadband, IPTV and VoIP Hands-On," which deals with everything from his installation guy (Chris) wiggling through his dirty crawl space, discussing SureWest's VoIP service and features, and his thoughts on SureWest's IPTV solution including their PVR (or lack there-of) and the AmiNET120 set-top box.

Posted on Jun 01, 2007  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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