Truphone selects FreeSWITCH and TelcoBridges' proven, reliable and highly redundant carrier-grade telephony platform to enable VoIP calls on mobile phones. Truphone is a mobile internet network operator that brings VoIP to mobile phones via WiFi using SIP. The three companies have collaborated closely to port FreeSWITCH's open source telephony application code to TelcoBridges' hardware platform and have adapted it successfully to fulfill Truphone's requirements for a media gateway, bridging calls between the Internet, using VoIP, and the PSTN.

"Truphone is an innovative mobile VoIP company requiring carrier-grade solutions to deliver free or VoIP-rate calls from mobile phones. Truphone works wherever there is access to the Internet via WiFi," said James Body, Network Director of Truphone: "Scalability, reliability and support for the AMR voice codec were the key decision criteria for Truphone when selecting our media gateway solution. We found all this with TelcoBridges' platform."
The PSTN media gateway is a key element for the bridging of PSTN calls to Truphone's WiFi subscribers. Calls originating from the PSTN must be transcoded from G.711 to the AMR voice codec and bridged to IP. The media gateway uses SIP signaling to establish and tear down the VoIP connections on the IP network and uses SS7 signaling to initiate and release calls on the TDM side.
"We designed FreeSWITCH from the beginning to be able to withstand the burden of media and transcoding but with the foresight to be able to control devices that can do it for you. TelcoBridges is the perfect compliment to our software and a prime example of how to use it in a high-density environment," said Anthony Minessale II, creator of FreeSWITCH.
"The selection of FreeSWITCH and TelcoBridges to build this gateway adheres perfectly to Truphone's approach to building carrier-grade networks using open source and off-the-shelf technologies," added Body of Truphone.