Gizmo Project software now supports AOL Instant Messenger and MSN Messenger buddies. Starting today, users can see who's online and send and receive messages with contacts on these networks directly from Gizmo Project software with no additional installation. Expansion to include Yahoo Messenger, GoogleTalk and iChat contacts is planned as well. As always, Gizmo Project is a free download at
Through this new feature, users can add all of their contacts from these networks with just a few simple clicks. Once the user completes this process, all of their buddies from each network will appear in their Gizmo Project buddy list. No need to add contacts one by one, no need to add contacts when changing computers or devices; contacts are stored safely and securely online along with existing Gizmo buddies.
The new feature is being pushed out to all existing users, without the need to upgrade their software. Users will notice a new icon labeled "Add AIM, MSN, Y! buddies." Clicking on this icon will walk the user through the necessary steps.
"A large portion of our customers tells us that they use Gizmo Project as their primary method of communication. Offering this new feature allows users to manage their communication and contacts more effectively, with one simple interface," said Michael Robertson, chairman and CEO of SIPphone.
Support for these networks is available on all flavors of Gizmo Project software, including MS Windows, Apple Macintosh or Linux. All versions are available for free download at