eBay has informed some of its users that placing JAJAH Buttons on offers within the eBay marketplace is not allowed. JAJAH Buttons are available in 122 countries and provide trust and safety by safeguarding eBay Seller IDs while providing enhanced eBay Buyer information and protection. Unlike many web-based VoIP solutions, JAJAH Buttons connects every buyer and every seller completely anonymous. JAJAH Buttons requires no download, no headset, no broadband necessary, and works on every phone.
eBay's email to JAJAH sellers states: "The listing was removed because it violated the eBay Inappropriate Links policy... links or other connections to live chat systems are not permitted."
"Our vision was simply to bring voice communication to one of the worlds greatest marketplaces for eCommerce. With millions of registered users, JAJAH is hardly an 'inappropriate' organization. We were seeing great excitement for JAJAH Buttons on eBay and we are dissappointed that some of our users' listings are now being removed. We are currently seeking to get clarification from eBay as the situation varies from country to country. While we get positive feedback from within eBay in several countries we see other countries removing listings that contain JAJAH buttons," says JAJAH Co-Founder Roman Scharf.
Sleek in its design, simple in its creation, extensive in its functionality, and with complete privacy control, JAJAH Buttons are a perfect fit for the eBay community. As an eBay Powerseller, you design your personal JAJAH Button for your eBay auction. Creation of the button runs through your JAJAH Account and is free. Buyers can call you through the button on your eBay account while you keep complete control over who can call you from where and when.
"The bigger issue at play here is the open nature of technology and the next generation of the eCommerce," said Daniel Mattes, Co-Founder. "We believe in a world where the lines of commerce, content and communication are blurring. We see from the explosion of Facebook and others that an open environment with the freedom to innovate is a much better solution. We will work on behalf of our users to ask eBay to reconsider."
JAJAH encourages its users to vote with their voice and join the JAJAH campaign to "FREE YOUR VOICE", by placing the JAJAH buttons on as many properties on the web, blogs or emails. "How can users help? Talk JAJAH - go to
http://www.jajah.com - sign up - vote with your voice. This is about making a difference and making the web a forum for voice communication - join us in that mission."