Digium unveils the “Digium|Asterisk Marketplace” to give the Asterisk community of end-users, developers, small businesses and enterprises a one-stop online destination for all their open source VoIP deployment needs. Located at
www.digium.com/marketplace, the Digium|Asterisk Marketplace enhances Digium’s Technology Partners web portal to allow companies that are not yet Digium partners to advertise their products to the Asterisk ecosystem.
Visitors to the Digium|Asterisk Marketplace will be able to search the company listings by keyword to easily find Asterisk-compatible products such as phones, network infrastructure devices, and application software, as well as services such as VoIP and PSTN providers. The website opens up a new, direct line of communication between independent vendors of Asterisk-related products and the entire Digium|Asterisk ecosystem.
Digium Partners receive prominent and prioritized Digium|Asterisk Marketplace listings as part of their partnership agreement. For vendors not otherwise affiliated with Digium, marketplace listings will be offered starting at $395 per quarter for a basic listing. During a special promotional period, listings will also be available starting at $795 for a full year. Companies interested in a listing can sign up directly on the Digium website, and upon approval of the application, have their listing posted within a few business days. Digium plans to continue to expand the capabilities and features of the Marketplace in the future.