Radware has joined the University of New Hampshire's InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) VoIP Technology Consortium. As a member of this consortium, Radware will be able to test its VoIP and SIP-enabled products in terms of compliance, interoperability, and quality.
Radware's decision to adhere to the UNL-IOL's VoIP consortium is based on its observations of the carrier market. With the arrival of next generation convergence applications, the carrier market is offering new SIP-based services, creating new opportunities for users to collaborate and exchange information. Additionally, as the global use of SIP adoption increases in carrier access, applications and trunking, it creates a need for vendors and system integrators to provide carriers and operators with solutions supporting carrier-grade requirements. This imposes a great burden on application and system development not typically addressed in the product scope but left to be handled in the system integration phase. As a result, Radware is focusing its efforts on expanding its product offering to fulfill these needs.
Established in 1988, the UNH-IOL provides rigorous collaborative one-on-one standards-conformance and quality assurance testing as well as multi-vendor group tests (often referred to as "plugfests"). The laboratory's comprehensive, vendor-neutral testing is performed through independent focused interest groups called consortiums, composed of member companies that each pay an annual fee for product testing and add at least one piece of equipment to a shared reference test bed. Member companies often use the UNH-IOL's detailed, industry-trusted test reports to provide customers with uncompromised third-party product validation.