Research and Markets has announced the addition of “
USA - VoIP Market - Analysis, Statistics & Forecasts” to their offering.
Until 2004 Vonage was the main provider of residential VoIP. In 2005 the lead was secured by the powerful cable TV companies and thus VoIP entered the mainstream telephony market. In 2006 the world’s largest VoIP provider, Skype, with over 100 million subscribers, was acquired by eBay and began to make stronger inroads into the US VoIP market. The 12 months to June 2006 also witnessed the entry of Microsoft and Apple and internet giants Google, Yahoo and AOL into the VoIP market. Thus VoIP is quickly becoming one of the most competitive sectors in the telcos market. Threatened with major revenue and customer losses, the wireline telcos are picking up the pace of their fibre network investments. Moreover, mega-mergers amongst the telcos, such as between AT&T and SBC in 2005, followed in March 2006 by AT&T’s proposed acquisition of BellSouth, threatens the long-term future of VoIP competition, bringing issues such as net neutrality and the need for open networks into sharper focus. In the long term, niche VoIP players such as Vonage may not survive unless they diversify into new services in the developing internet economy.
Topics Covered:
- Synopsis
- VoIP market overview and analysis
- VoIP forecasts and statistics
- VoIP technology in the US
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