Dial2Do and JAJAH bring you hands-free voice-activated global calling – simply by saying the words.
How it Works Using Dial2Do, you simply call a local number (+1-213-325-2615 in the U.S.), say the word “JAJAH,” and then select one of three JAJAH services—call, text or conference.
- To call a contact, say “JAJAH call”
- To send a JAJAH text message (SMS) say “JAJAH text”
- To set up a group call, say “JAJAH conference”
For calls and conferences, JAJAH initiates the call to anyone in your Dial2Do address book and rings the caller back immediately to connect the call. The service is accessible on any phone and does not require any new hardware, software or download.
The Dial2Do service is currently in private beta, but JAJAH users are being given a special invitation. As a registered JAJAH user you just visit
http://www.dial2do.com/jajah, click “Register” to begin and enter the code "dial2jajah."