PhoneFusion announces that Fusion Voicemail Plus for BlackBerry smartphones is now out of beta. The beta version of this free visual voicemail application has been available since June for any BlackBerry device on any U.S. wireless carrier. The downloadable voicemail application gives BlackBerry users the ability to centralize all of their voicemail boxes and see -- right on the screen of their mobile device -- a list of their voicemail messages. The service also allows users to listen to their voicemails directly from their BlackBerry. BlackBerry users -- whether or not they are an existing PhoneFusion customer -- can access Fusion Voicemail Plus v 1.0 at
www.fusionvoicemailplus.com. The free service also comes as a standard feature in the PhoneFusion One solution.
Based on the feedback from BlackBerry users testing the service, the new version of Fusion Voicemail Plus includes several updated features and fixes to the previous beta version. Some changes include:
- Sync Fusion Voicemail Plus with OS profile notifications (i.e. custom ringtones, quiet mode, etc.)
- Message playback available through headphones
- Delete multiple messages at once
- Empty trash function no longer deletes from the device if there is a network communication failure
- While deleting messages on trackwheel models, navigation and other menus are not accessible
How Fusion Voicemail Plus Works
Fusion Voicemail Plus centralizes multiple voicemail boxes in one place, accessible from the subscriber's mobile device. After signing up at
www.fusionvoicemailplus.com, the subscriber receives a message on their device with a link that will allow them to easily download the Fusion Voicemail Plus application. The user then changes their voicemail access number from any of their other voicemail systems (e.g., home, wireless carrier, VoIP, office) to a single PhoneFusion One phone number.
All calls that would normally go to the other designated voicemail boxes will come directly to the person's Fusion Voicemail Plus. The service notifies the user through audible, visual and tactile means that a new voicemail is available for listening, listing the voicemail messages right on the screen of their mobile phone. In addition to accessing voicemail directly from their smartphone, users also have the option to access Fusion Voicemail Plus from any web browser or via the traditional phone. Unlike other visual voicemail services, Fusion Voicemail Plus is totally free and has no limitations on the number of messages it sends to users phones.
Fusion Voicemail Plus is already available on any cell phone network for Windows Mobile 5 and 6. Future releases are scheduled for Palm, Symbian, Android and LINUX mobile. A J2ME version is also planned.