has enhanced the ooma phone system with new features and services, delivering an unparalleled home telephone experience at a significant cost savings to consumers. Using ooma, households can save $400-$600 per month by eliminating costly phone services with only a fraction of ooma’s features. The latest ooma phone service includes:
- Virtual Phone Numbers -- The ooma phone system now allows users to add additional phone numbers for their home office and each member of the family – up to nine numbers can be supported. Phone numbers can be selected from any calling area in the U.S. and each number can be configured with a different ring pattern to easily differentiate between calls.
- Voicemail Attachments -- When a voicemail message is recorded, users can opt to have ooma send a copy of the voicemail to their email mailbox. Notifications and attachments can be delivered to up to three different email or SMS addresses.
- Mobile Integration with Multi-Ring -- The ooma phone system now has the flexibility to grow with your mobile lifestyle. Users can configure their system to simultaneously ring or forward to a mobile phone or another phone number of their choice.
- Personal Numbers and Private Voicemail -- Virtual numbers can be setup to ring on a specific phone within the home via a personal number. Each personal number has a separate voicemail box and ooma Lounge account. This allows each member of the family to listen to their own voicemail and manage their online account, such as voicemail notification and Multi-Ring preferences.
- Call Logs, Personal and Community Blacklist -- Via the ooma Lounge, users can access information on incoming and outgoing calls and based on this data, add specific phone numbers to a blacklist. By adding a phone number to a personal or community blacklist, in-bound calls from a “blacklisted” caller will be not be connected to the ooma phone system.
These new features and services are being delivered as a software-only update to customers and are included in the ooma Premier service, a bundle of enhanced calling features designed to enrich the home phone experience. Each ooma system comes with a free 60-day trial of ooma Premier. The ooma Hub is a powerful Linux-based platform that enables users to benefit from these new features and services seamlessly.
An ooma system consists of the ooma Hub connected to a broadband connection and a primary phone. The ooma Scout device extends the benefits of the ooma system to additional phone jacks in the home. ooma Core is a $249.99 hardware bundle that includes ooma Hub and ooma Scout. ooma Premier is an optional service option for the ooma Core bundle and costs $12.99 per month or $99.99 per year.