E911 is commanding even greater attention in the VoIP market as Monday's FCC ruling became more stringent and reports of casualties related to VoIP E911 limitations are publicized. Not only could the liability of ignoring emerging 911 capabilities be disastrous for a VoIP company, sales could also suffer as consumers are beginning to seriously evaluate 911 functionality in their voice buying decisions. To be competitive, VoIP companies are getting in front of FCC compliance and consumer demand for public safety. Historically, 911 technology enhancement was cost-prohibitive for
VoIP providers, but rising IP-based E911 companies are allowing them to compete both on technology innovation and price, due to a lower cost infrastructure.
E911 companies are catering to the safety-conscious market. VoIP providers are using companies like
VIXXI Solutions, an IP-based, nationwide E911 provider that focuses heavily on product innovation. They have developed efficient geospatial technology that far exceeds current compliancy standards while reducing costs for VoIP providers. In addition to supporting nomadic VoIP users, they provide unlimited caller-customized data, such as pre-existing health conditions, to a public safety answering point. Additionally, they offer the ability to simultaneously notify relatives when a 911 call is made, with strong implications for the elderly living alone or parents of traveling teenagers.
These VoIP providers can now improve their time-to-revenue and the safety of their customers with immediate address validation in the 911 master street address guide. The new Internet-based technologies additionally allow for real-time PSAP boundary updates ensuring correct call routing, a current FCC ruling. Also for compliancy, VIXXI uniquely provides their VoIP customers with 711 (deaf relay).
While E911 historically has been a challenge that comes with the territory for VoIP providers, companies like VIXXI are making it easy to provide exceptional E911 functionality at aggressive prices. E911 is no longer a necessary distraction from a VoIP provider's core business; it has evolved into a means for VoIP companies to quickly and cost-effectively differentiate themselves in an area of high priority for voice consumers.