SpinVox launches voicemail to text conversion for all Skype voicemail users. SpinVox conveniently converts voice messages to text in English, Spanish, French and German. The messages are then sent by
as an SMS text directly to a designated mobile phone for users to read.
Skype users can now benefit from instant ‘visible voicemail’, and never miss those important calls from friends or colleagues when they are away from Skype. Recipients of converted voicemail messages can listen to the full voice message by either signing into Skype or by calling their Skype To Go number1. As well as being able to receive voicemail as text via SpinVox, Skype users may choose instead to receive voicemail notification via SMS or for free by email.
It’s easy for
Skype users to set up voicemail to text from their account page, by simply registering a mobile phone number. Each voicemail to text conversion will cost $0.25 plus the cost of sending an SMS at standard low Skype rates. Additional SMS charges – a maximum of 3 - may apply depending on the length of the voicemail message.
All payments are made fuss-free through Skype Credit. Users have a choice to set a limit on the number of voicemail conversions received per day and to receive messages from people only in their contact list to help them manage their Skype credit. An email notification will be sent if that limit is exceeded.