In an innovative effort to gauge the current state of the fast-emerging, high-definition voice market, technology pioneer
Global IP Solutions, took advantage of its recent webinar on HD voice to poll its most likely applications.
GIPS-initiated poll, taken by 186 of the webinar’s attendees, revealed that a third of respondents thought HD voice quality would benefit overall productivity in the workplace, while 57 percent considered conference calling would benefit the most. Sixteen percent believed HD’s greatest impact would be felt in call centers.
As voice technology continues to migrate from circuit-switched services to modern IP-based network foundations, call quality has yet to receive straight “A”s in business and consumer use. Enter HD voice technology, and its leading driver: GIPS. Its advanced wideband CODECs and VoiceEngines, which solve the issues related to IP networks such as delay, jitter and echo, is capable of delivering high quality IP voice regardless of network conditions.
Eleven percent of respondents said that they use High-Def voice service “all the time or whenever they can,” and an additional 30 percent reported having used it once or twice. A surprising 47 percent of respondents had yet to experience a high-definition phone call. Sales calls and international calls were each named by 5.2 percent for getting the most benefit out of HD calling, and videoconferencing was favored by 32.8 percent to gain the biggest impact.
“The results validate our belief that there are many opportunities in corporate America that can greatly benefit from high definition voice,” said Joyce Kim, chief marketing officer at GIPS. “As a leader in providing the core technology for HD voice, a growing importance for call center operations, conferencing and overall employee productivity; these results demonstrate the value GIPS continues to deliver to its customers worldwide.”
GIPS is building on the momentum of market interest in high-definition voice by sponsoring the HD Communications Summit on Thursday, May 21. Produced by VoIP pioneer Jeff Pulver, the conference is being held at New World Stages in New York City and will explore the issues and benefits associated with the widespread deployment of HD VoIP.