Dr. Christian Stredicke,
snom's founder and CEO, will speak at the
HD Communications Summit on the deployment issues for wideband VoIP. The single-day conference will take place on Thursday, May 21, 2009 in New York City. snom Director of Business Development Mike Storella will also speak at the conference on the "HD Enterprise Panel" in the afternoon with other leading industry experts.
Dr. Stredicke is an early VoIP pioneer having been one of the first to bring to market SIP-based phones in the 1990s when he founded snom. He is an expert in hardware and software design and has authored numerous articles on VoIP technologies and standards.
At the show, snom will also be showcasing the benefits of wideband VoIP with a special demonstration featuring snom klarVOICE phones, snom's wideband VoIP phone portfolio and the next generation audio conferencing service ZipDX.
The HD Communications Summit will be held at New World Stages on Thursday, May 21, from 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., 340 West 50th Street, New York, NY 10019, followed by a networking and cocktail reception. Registration is $495 for the full day event.