SIP Print announce that the
SIPfoundry sipXecs IP PBX as been certified via SIP Print Labs program testing. This certification acknowledges the sipXecs as delivering high performance and compliance with SIP standards, and interoperability with SIP Print's call recording solutions for IP-based phone systems.
SIPfoundry is the driving force behind sipXecs, an open source enterprise IP PBX unified communications solution. The sipXecs solution competes in the market for UC and IP PBX solution offerings as an open source alternative to traditional products from Cisco, Avaya, Shoretel and others. Ease of use continues to be a hallmark of the sipXecs IP PBX solution. As many companies around the globe have experienced firsthand, sipXecs is simple to use and easy to install. The sipXecs effort was bolstered by Nortel's decision to leverage the open source platform, to which the company made many contributions, as the foundation for the Nortel Software Communication System IP PBX.
SIP Print Labs certification program is a multi-faceted effort by SIP Print to collaborate with IP-PBX vendors, customers, and channel partners to define standards of interoperability and performance for call recording applications on SIP-based phone systems. This collaborative initiative will provide for a call recording ecosystem upon which industry participants can rely for verified working solutions. Based on early demand for this new certification, IP-PBX vendors and end-users alike recognize the increasing importance of SIP Print Labs' stamp of approval. The certification brings exceptionally strong value and peace-of-mind to end-users with mission critical call recording applications.