C2Call launches with FriendCaller 3 its iPhone OS 3.0 version of FriendCaller, the only iPhone app on iTunes that can establish a free Internet call with anyone on the Internet. This breaks with the convention of allowing free calls only between registered users of a service who had to have installed identical software first.
FriendCaller is an easy-to-use, browser based VoIP solution allowing users to make free calls from the website to anyone on the Internet, with no software installation for the “callee” or person being called. Additionally, the invited call participant is not even required to register. The peer-to-peer calls work with any browser on Windows, OS X and Linux, and now with FriendCaller 3 as an OS 3.0 app for the original iPhone, iPhone 3G, 3GS and the iPod touch (2nd Generation).
FriendCaller 3 defines a new, much more user-friendly and intuitive standard for VoIP apps on an iPhone. “The days when users first had to sign up, then download and install software and exchange user IDs prior to talking with each other are gone,” said Martin Feuerhahn, CEO of FriendCaller developer C2Call GmbH.
FriendCaller 3 users simply send the patent pending Callme links directly from their iPhone via email to anyone on the Internet, or place their personal Callme links on their social media profiles, i.e., FaceBook, Twitter, etc. A web-phone starts once the link is opened on any browser with no installation or registration requirements for the person receiving the call invitation. That person simply clicks and connects!
FriendCaller 3 makes great use out of a new iPhone OS 3.0 feature called “Push Notification.” With Push Notification, a FriendCaller user whose app is not open receives call notifications and instant messages (IM) on his or her iPhone screen which appear as a text message. By opening the notification, the app starts, and the user can call immediately if in WiFi, or text via IM in Edge/3G.
With OS 3.0, Apple also has also opened “In App Purchasing,” which makes paying for FriendCaller Call Credit even more user-friendly. FriendCaller calls are free, and only calls to phone numbers are charged by the minute. FriendCaller provides global coverage, with calls to most countries in North America and Europe cost only 2 cents per minute.
In App Purchasing will be available with the soon-to-be released advertisement-free FriendCaller 3 Pro version. Devices on OS 2.0 are still supported by the FriendCaller Instant VoIP app available on the iTunes App Store. Users can continue to keep and use their user ID and password for all FriendCaller app versions and the FriendCaller Website.