SIP Forum proudly announces that membership in the association continues to be strong across all categories, including dues paying, corporate Full Membership; Academic Institutions; and individual, “Participant” membership. Currently, the SIP Forum has 48 Full Member companies, five Academic Members, and more than 6,500 individual members from around the world.
Companies that have joined the SIP Forum as Full Members since the association last reported membership details include Bell Canada; 8x8, Inc.; Optimum Lightpath, a division of Cablevision Systems Corporation; Cedar Point Communications; Comcast Cable; Cox Communications; Genband, Inc; NET; Nortel; PAETEC; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; ShoreTel Inc.; and XO Communications.
According to Eric Burger, Chairman of the Board of the SIP Forum, “The continued industry support and resulting growth in membership – especially from service providers, and thought-leadership within the academic and research community – is a huge vote of confidence that the work the Forum is engaged in continues to be highly relevant to the success of SIP-based products and services in the commercial marketplace.”
Added Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director, “All of the Forum’s various initiatives are gaining significant industry traction, including “SIPconnect” which provides a “best practices” methodology for accomplishing trouble-free, SIP trunking between SIP-enabled IP-PBXs and SIP-enabled VoIP service providers; the Fax-over-IP (FoIP) Interoperability Task Group work focused on achieving a higher degree of FoIP interoperability and FoIP reliability; and the User-Agent Configuration Task Group effort to develop a simple configuration mechanism and profile suitable for a variety of user agents. In short, the progress we’re making in these areas is having a positive, direct effect on our membership.”
The current list of SIP Forum Full Members includes:
3Com; 8x8, Inc,; Acme Packet; Alcatel-Lucent; Aspect; Avaya; bandwidth.com; Bell Canada; Broadsoft; Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. (CableLabs); Cablevision Lightpath; Cbeyond; Cedar Point Communications; CGI Group Inc; Comcast Cable; Cisco Systems; Cox Communications; Data Connections Ltd.; Dialogic Corporation; Digium; Ericsson; Genband, Inc.; Hewlett-Packard; IBM; Ingate Systems AB; Microsoft Corporation; Mitel; NEC Infrontia, Inc.; NET; NeuStar; Nokia; Nortel Networks; Oracle; PAETEC; Polycom; RADVision; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; ShoreTel Inc.; Siemens; snom Technology AG; SOLINET GmbH; Sonus Networks; Tandberg; Tecnotree; Tekelec; Telsis Limited; University of New Hampshire Interoperability Laboratory; and XO Communications.
The current list of SIP Forum Academic Members includes Columbia University; Fraunhofer FOKUS; Illinois Institute of Technology; Texas A&M University; and the University of Glamorgan.