vNow you can also make cheap calls and send text messages all over the world from your iPod Touch! Simply visit
get.vopium.com from your iPod or download
Vopium to your PC or Mac from iTunes.
Vopium is a free application installed on your iPod Touch (2nd generation) allowing you to turn it into a mobile phone. When your iPod is connected to WiFi, you can make calls and send text messages over the internet using your normal mobile number. You do not pay any charges to your mobile operator. You only pay Vopium's low international call rates. You can obviously also use your iPod to make national calls. Just remember that you need to acquire a Microphone adapter to make calls.
When people call or text you back, you will receive the call and text message on your regular mobile phone. Thereby you are sure to always receive the call and text, even when you are not connected to WiFi
Instant messaging, integrated with MSN, Skype, Gtalk, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ and Twitter, will be added soon! We are doing the final round of testing and are eager to share it with you guys.
Needless to say this new version obviously also works on your iPhone.