deltathree announces the launch of
joip Mobile. joip Mobile is a new cellular phone application providing low cost mobile calls over GSM as well as WiFi networks. It currently offers calling packages in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, and is available for users worldwide. Cellular operating systems supported by joip Mobile currently include the iPhone, Google Android and Nokia Symbian, with support for the Windows Mobile operating system and Blackberry expected soon.
The joip Mobile sign up and installation process is quick and easy. Consumers can simply visit mobile.joip.com, complete the short online registration, download the software application and begin using joip Mobile to realize significant savings on their mobile calls. joip Mobile has been launched with three pricing packages ranging from a flexible "Pay-as-you-Go" plan to affordable monthly pricing plans starting at just $2.95 per month (and offering further discounted calling rates). Calls made using the joip Mobile application do not use the minutes provided to a consumer under his or her wireless plan and can be made directly from a consumer's mobile phone address book.