Aastra Announces Partnership with Telchemy to Ensure VoIP Service Quality

Aastra announces a partnership with Telchemy to resell two products, DVQattest and SQmediator, which provide performance testing, monitoring and real-time reporting for VoIP interactions.

DVQattest is a distributed active test product for Voice and Video over IP that supports pre-deployment testing, network assessment, SLA monitoring and troubleshooting. DVQattest is based on VQmon, Telchemy’s widely used VoIP/IPTV performance analysis technology which provides accurate quality scores and a rich set of metrics for voice calls, video sessions and network tests.

SQmediator is a high performance mediation server that provides centralized collection, aggregation and correlation of QoE/QoS reports from IP endpoints and gateways. The SQmediator dashboard makes it easy to monitor call performance across the network and to quickly identify potential problem conditions and view system alerts.

Posted on Aug 18, 2010  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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