announces that fully automated voicemail message transcriptions are now available. In addition to listening to their voicemails, every customer can now also view the transcribed text of their voicemail messages on their phone and in their email inboxes.
Messages are transcribed immediately upon receipt and are forwarded to the customer’s email as well as to their phones as an SMS text message. Unlike other services that provide human-assisted transcriptions,’s transcriptions are 100% automated. Based on software developed by Yap, Inc., the company’s automated Text Voicemail provides the highest level of speech recognition technology, enabling faster and more accurate transcriptions.
“Our customers tell us all the time how tedious it is to listen to long and detailed voicemail messages,” said CEO Ari Rabban. “Our new transcription service makes it easy to check your voicemail – even in business meetings or loud settings where listening to messages is not practical. In fact, our new service is so quick and accurate you might never listen to a voicemail again.”
The automated Text Voicemail service is available immediately to all customers at a cost of $1.50 per month for unlimited transcriptions.