Global VoIP Training School Chooses OnSIP as SIP Provider

OnSIP modern bannerAs the provider of the global standard in SIP training and certification, The SIP School has taught thousands of employees in the telecommunications industry how to better support their clients, products, and services. Until recently, students training to become an SIP School Certified Associate were instructed in their first session to create a SIP address with any free service. Today, The SIP School announces another option by working with OnSIP as their SIP service provider – leveraging the OnSIP API to provision each student with a SIP address on domain.

OnSIP originally began SIP domain hosting to encourage their customers to simplify communications and boost their corporate branding by creating SIP addresses for employees that match their email addresses. With the OnSIP API, customers can integrate SIP address provisioning into their own service offerings as The SIP School has accomplished.

Posted on Jan 09, 2012  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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