Lingo has set a new industry low calling rate by slashing the costs to call India to a mere 7.7 cents a minute, including calls placed to mobile phones.
Potential Lingo customers can take advantage of the new low rate of 7.7 cents per minute to India, no matter which calling plan they purchase. Unlike competitors’ offerings, Lingo customers don’t have to wait a full year or apply for service credits to enjoy the reduced calling rate of 7.7 cents per minute to India. Existing Lingo customers have already had their India calling rates reduced to 7.7 cents per minute.
“We are delighted to provide Lingo customers with a lower rate of 7.7 cents per minute to India, which represents a savings of over 50% compared to some of our competition,” said Srinath Narayan, Vice President of Lingo, Inc.
India represents a popular calling destination for Lingo’s broadband phone customers. By reducing the India rate to 7.7 cents per minute, Lingo provides U.S. residents the ability to connect conveniently and inexpensively with their families, friends and colleagues in India.
Lingo broadband phone service is offered by Primus Telecommunications, Inc., which has served the Indian and South Asian community in the U.S. for more than a decade by offering value-priced, high-quality long distance services. Customers can learn more about the service and sign up online at
, or by calling 1-866-546-4603.