GENBAND Announces VoIP Logic as a SBC Master Reseller; Grows Overall Program to 67 Partners Globally

GENBAND announces the appointment of VoIP Logic as an S-Series Master Reseller. In this capacity VoIP Logic will engage in managing other resellers and providing extended technical support, training and professional services for GENBAND session border controller technology.

GENBAND has added 25 resellers to the overall program in the past six months, growing the total number of resellers to 67 around the globe. Some of the newest additions to the program include six significant resellers in Moscow, Russia. GENBAND now has reseller partners in more than 30 countries.

VoIP Logic provides turnkey hosted VoIP systems and solutions for retail and wholesale carriers. These solutions include GENBAND’s S3 Session Border Controller and GenView Real-Time Session Manager. VoIP Logic enriches GENBAND’s offering with its Cortex® OSS/BSS platform along with other service provider-focused VoIP Managed Services.

As a Master Reseller, VoIP Logic is tasked with finding Systems Integrators, Value-Added Resellers and Carrier customers that will benefit from GENBAND technology as they build their VoIP infrastructure. With over 125 service providers already using VoIP Logic for GENBAND technical support and the S3 SBC as a managed service, this extension of responsibilities leverages VoIP Logic’s expertise and extends GENBAND’s technology further into the market.

Posted on Sep 15, 2010  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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