4PSA Brings Carriers New Business Opportunities

4psa_logo1.gif4PSA announces the revamping of its Certified Trunk Provider Program, a partnership program through which SIP Providers can attest the compatibility between their SIP trunking solutions and 4PSA's award-winning VoipNow Unified Communications Platform.

4PSA Certified Trunk Providers will have their services showcased directly in the VoipNow web interface through provider templates. These templates simplify SIP channel configuration, are automatically pushed to all VoipNow installations in real-time and they are easily accessible to VoipNow administrators.

Currently, there are two levels of certification for Trunk Providers: free Silver and advanced Gold. The Gold level of certification includes digitally signed SIP Trunking templates that can be safely distributed over the Internet, as well as the preferential positioning of the templates in the VoipNow interface.

4PSA is continuously searching for SIP providers that are able to deliver the best experience to its customers. Companies interested in applying for this program can find more details here: http://www.4psa.com/company-partners.html.

VoipNow Professional, the winner of 2010 Internet Telephony Product of the Year Award and Unified Communications Magazine's 2010 Product of the Year Award, is a flexible, high-performance solution designed to deliver Unified Communications to companies of all sizes.

Posted on May 12, 2011  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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