fring Launches Add-on

fring_logo2.jpgfring announces the launch of the music radio add-on, the first in a new series of groundbreaking developments designed to enable friends to share experiences, connect and enhance their communities together on fring’s award-winning mobile community and communication platform.

Millions of fringsters will now be able to launch fring’s specially mobile-optimised version of inside the fring client, enabling them to tune and listen to streamed music radio channels, including their own library, tag favourites or ban disliked tracks, view album artwork and take their music account mobile.

But the real magic lies in fring’s ability to mash it’s existing social and communication capabilities into the music experience; friends are able to view in real-time what each other are currently listening to, via a dynamic, media-rich friends list embedded into the add-on. They can share the music experience together and connect with each other via fring’s inherent communication services such as instant messaging chat via Skype, MSN Messenger, GoogleTalk, Yahoo!, AIM and ICQ, from inside the add-on experience.

And, in common with fring’s core functionality, the add-on is able to run in the background, continuously serving new music tracks from’s service and sensing changes in both the listening and presence status of friends to provide rich, real-time info and displays about your community.

Based on this principle and fring’s belief in openness, fring’s API, released last year and available at, provides the tools for any third party developer to create an add-on of its own.

The add-on is the newest in a range of fring Experience projects currently in development, which include a number of third party-branded add-ons which will be brought to market during 2009.

Posted on Jan 27, 2009  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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