TelExtreme to Enter U.S. VoIP Market January 31st

TelExtreme will be offering its first VoIP services within the United States by January 31st. The decision to enter the fast-growing U.S. VoIP market is part of a growth initiative aimed at increasing the company's revenues to over $60 million for 2008.

TelExtreme intends to reproduce in the U.S. the very sales/marketing model that has generated great success in overseas markets, where sales rose from $30.1 million in 2006 to a projected $40+ million in 2007, with the increase being primarily attributable to penetration into the Mexican and Latin American markets. In addition to its projected U.S. expansion, the company anticipates growth opportunities stemming from the organic increase of consumer interest in VoIP-based telephone services.

TelExtreme President, Timothy Langston states, "There are expected to be between 21 million and 24 million VoIP users by the end of 2008 in the United States alone. By the end of 2010, that number could be 30 million or more. Now is the right time to start positioning TelExtreme to capture that growth."

Analysts estimate the VoIP industry in the United States generated about $3 billion in sales in 2007. By 2010, experts feel the industry could be driving anywhere from $4 billion to $10 billion in annual sales.

Timothy Langston added, "Our entry into the U.S. is not only an exciting time for our company, but also our shareholders. We expect our sales process, which is through individuals to individuals -- rather than through a corporate phone number or corporate website -- will appeal to U.S. consumers. Too many current and potential VoIP subscribers in the U.S. have had less than a great experience with their choice of providers. We are firmly convinced the TelExtreme option offers many things customers want, but aren't currently getting. As such, we look forward to substantial revenue growth from our U.S. operations."

The growth opportunity isn't limited to just residential plans. A recent study found that while most plan on doing so, only about 25% of small business owners have converted their telephone service to a VoIP plan.

Posted on Jan 15, 2008  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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