VOIP Today and DIDX Partner to Promote the Best IP Communications Content

DIDX announces its partnership with VOIP Today Magazine to promote the best IP communications content possible together. VOIP Today released its first issue on October 1, 2009 with the latest news and views about VoIP, Asterisk PBX, IP PBX, converged networks, hosted PBX, and other business telephony solutions. DIDX members offer solutions among all of these topics.

"We welcome opportunity to share in promoting excellent content for the world of IP communications and in particular the 12,000+ DIDX.net members. Many of DIDX members use A2Billing, snom, SIP technology, and other technologies shared on VOIP Today, and we want to make sure they are connected," stated Suzanne Bowen, Vice President of Super Technologies, Inc. who provide DIDX.

VOIP Today provides opportunities to advertise, add press releases and showcase IP communications solution comparisons. The website is connected with popular social business media tools such as Facebook and Twitter.

“To build tomorrow’s community we should cooperate with a strong market player in the world of IP communications. DIDX company is an effective partner who can produce attractive results for a startup, accelerate our entry in to new geographical areas, market segments and open additional community channels,” stated by Alaa Fahham , CEO of VOIP Today magazine.

We are living today the dream of yesterday. VOIP Today magazine is a freely available and is an independent online publication presenting up-to-date VoIP news and information. It covers many aspects of the VoIP technology, internet telephony solutions, networks, phones, security, internet telephony marketplace, mobile communications, VoIP forums and call center solutions. It has strong relationships with members of the VoIP community and is rapidly building a unique, high-quality community of VoIP users and vendors. VoIP today magazine is building tomorrow's VoIP community.

Posted on Oct 15, 2009  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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