3CX and OpenIP to Provide Low-Cost, Quality VoIP Solutions

3cx_logo.jpg3CX announces that all customers will be able to benefit from quality, low cost, business calls after the interoperability testing with OpenIP had proven successful. This interoperability between 3CX and Paris based VoIP service provider, OpenIP, allows the customers who use the 3CX VoIP PBX for Windows to benefit from the OpenIP high quality internet telephony services for voice calls as an integrated solution.

3CX and VoIP service provider, OpenIP, will provide fully integrated VoIP solutions for SMB’s in Paris, France. The OpenIP SIP Trunk configuration has been fully integrated into the latest version of 3CX’s software, allowing the company to become a 3CX Supported SIP Trunk provider. As a multitude of businesses throughout France already take advantage of the 3CX VoIP PBX for Windows, they now have the added value of OpenIP being onside to provide high quality internet telephony services for voice calls as an integrated solution.

Posted on Apr 21, 2011  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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