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WizzTones Software to be Distributed at Conference in Las Vegas
Wizzard Software
is pleased to announce that WizzTones, Wizzard Software's premiere software application for Skype, has been chosen to be featured on a Skype partner CD to be distributed at the 2006 eBay Developers Conference (DevCon) being held in Las Vegas, June 10th through June 12th, at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center.
The eBay DevCon offers attendees the opportunity to find and capitalize on new opportunities; to expand their knowledge of eBay ecosystem essentials; and discover advanced technologies. The partner CD will be available at the Skype exhibit, where it will be handed out to over 800 participants at the conference.
WizzTones is a new and easy-to-use software product to use with Skype, the world's fastest-growing Internet communication offering. WizzTones gives Skypers the opportunity to enjoy a fun, creative and resourceful way to manage their Skype contacts list. Skypers can assign every individual on their Skype contacts list a personalized sound, giving them the freedom to walk away from the computer but still be able to know just who is trying to get in touch.
The truly unique aspect of WizzTones allows users to create customized "talking" alerts using Wizzard's one-of-a-kind online text-to-speech creation process. This feature provides the ability to produce an announcement alert, spoken in a computer-generated, life-like male or female voice, in up to 10 different languages.
WizzTones also allows users to search for and assign various ringtones offered by and purchased directly from Skype, including popular ringtones and sound effects. Or, users may choose from the many free ringtones included with the WizzTones download. Yet another feature of WizzTones allows users to create vocal ringtones using a microphone.
"We are very flattered that Skype requested our participation in this partner CD, which features the best of Skype extras," said Danielle Lewis, Marketing Director for Wizzard Software. "We are excited to be included in such an important event for Skype and eBay."
"Ringtones are a very popular component of the mobile communication experience, with global ringtone sales totaling $4.4 billion last year. In the U.S. alone, ringtone sales are predicted to reach up to $724 million annually over the next several years," Lewis noted. "In the next 5 years, Skype is expected to hold more than 25% of the world's VoIP users with the advent of mobile VoIP. With these forecasts we expect the popularity of VoIP ringtones to also grow significantly."
Skype boasts more than 100 million international users, with more than 6 million users online at any given time and over 200,000 new registered users each day. Skype is an eBay company. For more information, visit
Posted on Jun 09, 2006
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