Report: SIP Trunking Emerges as a Key Cost-Cutter for IP

paper.gifNetwork operators and enterprises are increasingly turning to SIP trunking as a way to lower both capital and operating expenses for IP networks, according to the latest report published by Light Reading's VOIP Services Insider.

SIP Trunking: IP's Cheapest Delivery Package examines applications in the SIP trunking market, including benefits of SIP trunking and why it will become a hotter market, as well as SIP trunking marketing strategies. It also examines the next 12 to 18 months for SIP trunking, challenges the market faces, and partnerships, acquisitions, and future investment strategies vendors are considering. Additionally, this report provides a comparative analysis of 14 of the top vendors in the SIP trunk industry.

"As enterprises and service providers increasingly seek ways to drive costs down and improve the quality of their networks, the implementation of SIP trunking will continue to increase," says Denise Culver, research analyst with Light Reading's VOIP Services Insider and author of the report. "The desire to save money will be the biggest driver. Following closely behind are the increasing demands for unified communications, as well as demands for improved voice and data services."

Despite the cost savings and other positive influences available through SIP trunking, many vendors are concerned about the security issues presented with the applications, Culver says. "Despite the continual growth of SIP trunking, vendors have their work cut out for them," she notes. "Many potential SIP trunking candidates are wary of the technology because of security issues, which is similar to any application that opens a network to the Internet. However, there are ways to maximize security."

Other key findings of SIP Trunking: IP's Cheapest Delivery Package include the following:
  • The promise of lower opex and capex is driving adoption of SIP trunking in the marketplace.
  • Educating potential users about SIP trunking is viewed as one of the most vital elements to its continued success.
  • Despite current economic conditions, financial services is seen as one vertical that will continue to strongly utilize SIP trunking over the next 12 to 18 months.
  • One of the biggest challenges SIP trunking faces is overcoming the security issues that SIP entails.
  • Many vendors claim their primary SIP trunk competitors as their technology partners.
SIP Trunking: IP's Cheapest Delivery Package provides critical data and analysis for a range of industry participants, including:
  • SIP trunking technology suppliers seeking an independent assessment of SIP trunking in the IP market and its opportunities
  • Network operators evaluating the ROI available in using SIP trunking applications
  • Investors needing a better understanding of the scale of the opportunity that SIP trunking presents, and which companies are best positioned to take advantage of that opportunity
Posted on Nov 07, 2008  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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