OrecX Joins Digium as Software Partner

digium_logo.gifDigium announces OrecX’s support for Asterisk Business Edition, the professional version of Digium's open source telephony engine. Compatibility with Asterisk Business Edition allows OrecX to provide small and mid-sized businesses running the Asterisk platform a modular, cross-platform recording and retrieval system for audio streams. OrecX has also become a Digium|Asterisk Software Partner to enhance the relationship between OrecX and Digium.

By leveraging the power of open source, the OrecX suite of applications delivers end users a voice recording platform that is easy to install and maintain and that continually evolves to meet the needs of Asterisk users at a significantly lower cost than proprietary voice recorders.

OrecX’s support for a wide range of VoIP protocols, such as SIP, MGCP and H.323, makes it possible for businesses to quickly and easily integrate voice recording into VoIP-based phone systems or migrate existing phone systems to OrecX’s VoIP recording platform, according to Bruce D. Kaskey, founder and vice president of marketing for OrecX, who announced OrecX’s support for the Asterisk platform at Fall VON.

Posted on Dec 04, 2007  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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