Tribair is Launching a VoIP App for iPhone, Android and Blackberry with a Unique Social Revenue Rewarding Model

TRIBAIR is launching their global network of VOIP hotspots where members turn their personal or business WiFi into hubs for other members to use. When TRIBAIR users make paid long distance calls hotspot owners earn up to 20% of all revenues made over their hub. TRIBAIR aims to create the largest, decentralized VOIP community in the world.

Anyone with a smartphone can download the TRIBAIR application for iPhone, Android or Blackberry and includes a starter credit of 25 cents, which represents 17 minutes of calling to over 50 countries. They can make calls immediately using the application over WiFi or 3G. Members can take advantage of long distance VOIP calls to non members at rates that are 45% cheaper than Skype directly from their smartphones.

TRIBAIR is not just a service provider, it's a sharing community with a global vision. Each member contributes by opening their WiFi router secured by proprietary technology from TRIBAIR. The application automatically displays TRIBAIR free Wi-Fi networks anywhere in the world. Calls between members use only data, not airtime, which means further savings on airtime and roaming charges.

TRIBAIR users save money and make money while building a wireless community. Members are immediately incentivized to share and invite their personal call list as well as open up for the benefit of the members they don't personally know.

The TRIBAIR application is feature rich including:
  • push technology - unlike Skype, incoming call alerts reach the user whether the application is open or not
  • competitive long distance rates - on average 45 % cheaper than Skype
  • free calling between users
  • free chat, video and voice chats between users
  • community - Tribair members who open their WiFi to the community earn up to 20% of all paid calls made on their network
Posted on Dec 15, 2010  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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