Helicopter School Selects AltiGen's VoIP Phone System

AltiGen Communications, Inc., a pioneering manufacturer of VoIP business phone systems and call center solutions, announced that Las Vegas based Silver State Helicopters, the world's largest helicopter flight training operation, has selected AltiGen's AltiContact Manager VoIP Phone System and Call Center solutions for its voice communications requirements. Since implementing AltiGen's VoIP technology, Silver State Helicopters has realized significant business benefits including enhanced unified communications between office sites, a feature-rich in-house call center, and cost savings through self-management.

In the last few years, Silver State Helicopters has grown from one flight school with 20 students to 22 flight schools with over 1,700 enrolled students. The Company's existing legacy phone system was ill prepared to handle the rapid expansion of a fast growing company that demanded a robust telecommunications solution. Its aggressive growth plans punctuated the urgent need to link multiple sites together and to bring its outsourced call center operation 100% in-house.

The inherent flexibility of AltiGen's phone systems gives customers like Silver State the ability to fine-tune each system to the customer's precise specifications without exorbitant costs. For example, Silver State is now able to provide call center staff with information about the customer such as the exact geographical market from where the call has originated as well as to what advertisement the caller has responded and populates the staff member's screen with various offers and up selling opportunities geared for that specific area.

"AltiGen's solutions have allowed us to take control of the sales process by bringing our call center and other phone operations completely in-house," said Steve King, IT Manager of Silver State Helicopters. "It has greatly increased the rate of actual signups from initial calls by better preparing our call center staff with information that can help convert each customer call to into a sale, thus giving us more bang for the buck from our advertising. The system's IP capabilities include a unified dialing plan to implement four-digit dialing between offices and a single phone number with which to reach Silver State Helicopters' mobile workforce, thereby increasing our employees' productivity."

Installed by Capture Technologies, Inc., a leading AltiGen Communications reseller, the entire call center deployment took less than three days. The call center installation was highly successful and Silver State Helicopters immediately rolled out AltiGen's IP phone system to the rest of the Company, stretching across all major departments and across multiple office locations. In addition, Silver State Helicopters has begun to roll out smaller branch office AltiGen systems in its local flight school offices, replacing its antiquated PBX solutions. AltiGen will now be the system of choice in new local offices as Silver State Helicopters continues to expand across the country.

Mr. King continued, "One of the deciding factors in choosing AltiGen over other competitive offerings is that after the installation, there was very little ongoing IT support necessary. Call center managers can independently handle recording of prompts, changing screens and changing auto attendant features, among other unique features. AltiGen's call center offers a highly intuitive phone system with built-in commands that puts the call center staff in control and allows our IT staff to focus on other areas."

"Silver State Helicopters is a fantastic example of how AltiGen is providing growing organizations advanced communications solutions via VoIP technology designed to meet demands for mobility, simplified management, robust call center features, and increased productivity," said AltiGen CEO, Gilbert Hu.

Posted on Jun 21, 2006  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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