VoIP Technology for SIP Peer-To-Peer

Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc. announced that it filed a patent application with the United States Patent Office for its Directed SIP Peer-to- Peer ("DSP") technology, acquired by Fusion in February 2006. The patent application describes a system that Fusion plans to utilize to provide its free service between SIP devices.

Fusion is incorporating its DSP technology into the Company's international network for Internet voice calls between any combination of computers, Internet connected telephones, wireless devices, and other SIP- enabled hardware. Fusion believes its new "efonica" branded softphone and uniquely configured VoIP network will provide significant advantages over most VoIP peer-to-peer networks. Fusion's technology eliminates the method of routing utilized by many VoIP peer-to-peer networks, in which many users' Internet bandwidth and/or PCs are utilized as part of the carrier's larger network to set up calls for thousands of other users.

"We have filed this patent application to protect Fusion's valuable intellectual property. This DSP technology for peer-to-peer Internet calls is one of several differentiators behind Fusion's new VoIP offering, expected to be launched worldwide this quarter", remarked Matthew Rosen, Fusion's President and CEO. "We believe the combination of this technology with the host of consumer-friendly features we are incorporating into our VoIP offering will provide a high quality next generation Internet calling experience with broad advantages for our target markets."

Based on its new VoIP offering, Fusion will enter the free VoIP calling arena currently dominated by Skype. "Our ability to offer the advantages of this proprietary peer-to-peer technology will help differentiate Fusion from other VoIP service providers such as Vonage and Skype, as well as Google, AOL and Yahoo," said Mr. Rosen. "Our DSP technology should be of particular interest to security conscious individuals and businesses, a fast-growing segment as SIP is quickly becoming the de facto VoIP standard for communicating between VoIP hardware devices. We believe our entire communications package should be particularly advantageous for Fusion's primary target of the emerging markets of the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Caribbean, and their related communities of interests."

Posted on Apr 25, 2006  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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